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Status 3/21: March sale!

A Sale!

Spring has sprung so let’s have a sale. Coupon codeĀ MARCH17 gets you 15% off your order (excl. closeouts). This sale will run through the end of March. At the moment we are stocked on all DNA boards but we are closing out the following boards: DNA 25, DNA 40 all types, DNA 200. These have been superseded by the later model versions and sales are tapering off. If you use any of these specific boards and foresee an ongoing need, please let us know.

Move update

We are fully moved into our new location, however we are still setting up our new production procedures so delays of up to a few days on shop jobs (mod builds, etc.) are ongoing. Message us if we’re late on any job you have with us, and we can give an update.

Production of the XPV 75 is fully live, the XPV 60 and XPV 250 should be going live soon. We apologize for the long delay on these units.

Join us on Facebook

We have finally established a Facebook page, we highly encourage following us there. Status updates and product posts tend to hit there first as it is easier to put a quick post there.

Protovapor Facebook Page